Welcome to OsteoStrong Paces Ferry! We would like to invite you to experience, first-hand, the Ultimate Bio-Hack®!

Paces Ferry
OsteoStrong is a unique place where you can go to improve your overall health by focusing on the one thing we all have in common: a skeletal system. At the OsteoStrong Paces Ferry Center, we will work with you to help you experience a positive change to your skeletal system you will see and feel as you improve your bone density, muscular strength, balance, and overall health!

Steven and Paola Barringer
Before deciding to open an OsteoStrong for themselves, they spent several years watching other member testimonies to track results and learn more about the company.
After Paola had a bad ski accident five years ago and fractured her tibial plateau. She had eight months of physical therapy and another surgery to remove plates and screws out of her knee. Due to her injury, she had a lot of early arthritis and pain in her knee. It hampered her day-to-day activities. With Osteostrong, she rehabilitated her knee and strengthened the muscles, tendons and ligaments around it so she was able to ease back into activities she had only done before the accident.
After seeing her get the results that she did from OsteoStrong, they both knew it was something that they should invest in, with their time, money and lives.
Team OsteoStrong Paces Ferry is committed to helping others improve their quality of life with an all-natural way to increase bone density, balance and strength. They’re excited to bring this life changing, first in class, premium service to Atlanta. They look forward to educating the members, making new friends and helping people live healthier lives.