Listen to Kristin’s story and experience at our OsteoStrong Schaumburg and Wilmette locations.
“I am bone strong!”
Kristin, Member
OsteoStrong of Wilmette is proud to announce the availability of BioCharger NG sessions!
OsteoStrong is a unique place where you can come to improve your overall health by focusing on the one thing we all have in common: a skeletal system. At the OsteoStrong Wilmette Center, we will work with you to help you experience a positive change to your skeletal system you will see and feel as you improve your bone density, muscular strength, balance, and overall health.
Watch The Three Part Series On
Bone Health
By Our Very Own Chuck Steinmann
Part 1 – Bone Health Nutrition and Supplements – May 10th and 6:00pm CDT
Part 2 – Bone Health Dietary and Lifestyle Factors – May 17th at 6:00pm CDT
Part 3 – Bone Health Testing – May 24th at 6:00pm CDT
Watch The Replay of our April Strong Talk with AlgaeCal
The world’s most effective bone building duo presented together
Osteostrong and AlgaeCal
Click Here To Watch the Replay
Raffle for Referral April
Positive reviews from awesome members like you help others feel confident about choosing Osteostrong.
Could you take 60 seconds to review and share your happy experiences?
StrongTalk: Thursday, 10/27 @ 7:30pm
Self-care Strategies for Easing Through Menopause and Post Menopause
Everyone woman dreads hearing the word “Menopause”. We all go through it but not everyone knows how to manage it well.
In this talk you will learn about:
- How to embrace yourself and life as you move through another season of your life
- How the stressors of life can affect menopause, and post menopause
- How to manage the stressors of life that can affect menopause
- How self acceptance and self love can help to improve your well being
- How to use mindfulness in everyday life for better relationships with your body, your loved ones and even your food.
Must Watch Webinar With RPG February 21, 2022 at 7:00pm CST
Please join us for an informative and inspirational webinar with RPG’s CEO Chris Capozzoli. Chris will tell us why he started RPG as well as review their amazing products which changed his life, as well as many of their subscribers. Using the highest quality ingredients combined with breakthrough research, RPG produces nutritional supplements position your body in the optimal state to heal itself.
Click on the link below to join the webinar on 2/21/2022 at 7:00pm CST
Join Webinar
Passcode: OSTEO
Check Out Our New Hours!!
Address : 126 Skokie Road, Wilmette IL 60091
Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Friday 9:00am – 1:00pm
Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm


In addition to being an OsteoStrong center owner in Chicagoland, Lyndon is also VP of Operations for the company. His previous career includes 16 years in the Communications industry, largely in sales management and business development; and 20 years in the not-for-profit sector teaching, counseling, and supporting missionary work. While Lyndon holds degrees in Business Communications and Theology, his real passion is very simple, improving the lives of those in his community mentally, physically, and spiritually! It’s not all about work; Lyndon’s hobbies include fitness, reading, and helping others via community enrichment and support like serving as a board member for Center for Health Services-providing vital healthcare services to families in need.

Vicky is very active in community outreach and family enrichment. She is a a dedicated wife and mother with an educational background in Public and Environmental Affairs as well as Theology. Vicky’s hobbies include any and everything supporting and strengthening her family, which lends itself to helping other families as well. On any given day, you may find Vicky in the OsteoStrong center engaging with members, decorating, or simply adding to the joy that permeates the place.
Vicky and Lyndon have been married for over 28 years and have two wonderful teenage children. As their daughter once observed about OsteoStrong, “You didn’t start a business, you expanded our family.”

A founding member of the OsteoStrong Wilmette and Schaumburg Illinois centers. With a degree in Communications from the University of Illinois, Carmen has spent 25 years helping running back office operations at various companies as well her husband’s, in addition to raising two wonderful children. Carmen’s interest in wellness, exercise and yoga led her to quickly embrace the OsteoStrong way of life. After researching Osteogenic loading and its benefits, she soon recognized the power of OsteoStrong and takes an active role in the two OsteoStrong locations.

A founding member of the OsteoStrong Wilmette and Schaumburg Illinois centers. A MS in Telecommunications and a BS in Computer Science & Mathematics, Marc has spent 30 years in the IT field. He is also co-owner of RKON Inc. for the last 20 years, a computer, cloud based managed service provider. Marc’s interest for homeopathic healing, wellness, fasting and Keto lifestyle lead him to OsteoStrong. Joining as a member in January of 2018 to better his own quality of life, he soon realized the power of OsteoStrong and his desire to be a part of a movement that helped people live a better life. Marc quickly went from member to co-founder in April 2018 with Lyndon Sumlin.

Jenn comes to OsteoStrong with an HCI certification in Nutritional Health Coaching. Along with her RRCA certification, Jenn coached privately for several years before joining OsteoStrong, helping women learn to love their bodies, loose weight and move! Jenn is passionate about helping others feel good, get healthy and feel strong. She believes in empowering others to get healthy by showing them that there are many paths to get healthy. Jenn is a mom of two boys, loves getting out in nature and traveling. In her free time she can be found with a good book or learning something new.

Chuck Steinmann is a health coach, a bodyworker, and a session coach at OsteoStrong.
Chuck has trained in NLP, Craniosacral Therapy, and Resistance Flexibility. He has also pursued studies in a wide array of health topics, including the dietary and healing practices of traditional cultures, the body mind connection, and, the of use modern technology for health optimization, known as biohacking.
In his spare time he enjoys family time, traveling, learning, feeding people, and being a guinea pig for biohacking self-experimentation.

Brielle has always had a passion for helping others. She recently graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, where she studied community health on the pre-health track. Brielle is interested in non-invasive treatments. So, Osteostrong was very intriguing to her because of its biohack methods.
In her free time, Brielle enjoys playing pickle ball or tennis, shopping, going on walks with her baby, trying new restaurants and working out.

Ayush has joined Osteostrong with a background in kinesiology, sports and nutrition from the University of Illinois. Ayush believes Osteostrong is a great place where he can implement skills and knowledge to help people improve and live a healthier lifestyle.
Ayush is currently pursuing a graduate program to be a certified physical therapist. In his free time he enjoys watching sports, working out, soccer, basketball, spending time with family/friends, and trying new restaurants around city.