Welcome to OsteoStrong Cordova Pensacola! We would like to invite you to experience, first-hand, the Ultimate Bio-Hack®!

Cordova Pensacola
OsteoStrong is a unique place where you can go to improve your overall health by focusing on the one thing we all have in common: a skeletal system. At the OsteoStrong Cordova Pensacola Center, we will work with you to help you experience a positive change to your skeletal system you will see and feel as you improve your bone density, muscular strength, balance, and overall health!
TEAM OSTEOSTRONG Cordova Pensacola
Shauna Osborne
Shauna Osborne is very excited to be bringing Osteostrong to the Gulf Breeze and Pensacola communities. After being diagnosed with Osteoporosis at the age of 55, Shauna and spent a great deal of time researching the science, reviewing testimonials, and coming to understand the possibilities the Osteostrong system can deliver. Her compassion for others is what led her to invest in two Osteostrong locations. Shauna knew that being able to help others manage their aging process by improving their bone health, improving their strength and improving their balance, would indeed change lives, something she had to do.
Shauna has spent over 30 years in the corporate world with the majority of her executive experienced focused on customer service. She believes it is critical to provide quality products/services to help customer’s reach their desired outcomes. OsteoStrong’s unique value proposition is an exciting way for her to deliver beneficial results to location members.
NORM Peterson
Shauna is very happy to have her husband of 32 years, Norm Peterson, assist her. Norm brings over 35 years of business experience with him, where his commitment to building and sustaining mutually beneficial relationships led to a successful career. Norm practiced Karate for many years, he understands physical performance, just as he understands the toll years and years of competing can take on the body. Norm shares Shauna’s desire and commitment to help others do better and improve their overall wellness.
Kasey Titus
Kasey is regional manager for both Cordova-Pensacola and Gulf Breeze OsteoStrong locations. With over 10 years of experience as a certified massage therapist and manager of multiple wellness centers, Kasey brings great knowledge and energy to OsteoStrong. She is passionate about helping people on their wellness journey and believe is the benefits OsteoStrong can bring to so many. Kasey is a proud mother of her son Holland.